The Cutting Room Floor

        I feel like a director who has a production company on his back about the film. The production company have a certain guideline for their directors to follow. In our terms we had a certain amount of time that the opening needs to be. 2 minutes. Now 2 minutes isn't a lot but it is understandable because we are supposed to set up the film with a film opening. A film opening is usually the credits and the first couple of shots, so it makes sense for it to be 2 minutes. However, when Lara and I were shooting I don't either of us had the time limit on our minds, so we ended up shooting at least 5 minutes of film when its all cut together.
      As I am typing this Lara texted me saying she was able get to the ending that we wanted. I have yet to see it but I trust that she did a great job. The ending that we wanted is crucial to the set up of the film. Without spoiling anything it is supposed to show the real intentions behind one of the characters in the film.
     Using filters in the editing we are able to get the feel of an older movie. iMovie, which is the editing software we used, has around 20 filters in total to choose from. We went with the 'old world' option. This filter gives the tone of an older film without going full black and white. It has a grainy yellowish tinge to it.
Displaying Screen Shot 2017-03-31 at 12.28.42 PM.png
iMovie editing software with filters on the top left


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