Alex's Weekly Update (#3)

Week 4: 3/26-4/2

    This week started on the task of editing the film. On Monday, we got a rough idea of where everything would be, having not refined the individual cuts. Just putting them in order. This is where we found a pretty big problem in the time restraints. We had easily 5 minutes of usable footage and it was all VITAL to the advancement of the plot. So we had to cut a bunch of it out. This left us with a shorter version of what we had intended. The scenes were put in but reduced a lot, the ending we wanted was also able to be included so we are overall satisfied with what we have.
    Wednesday we had to find the music. Who knew almost every "royalty free" website would charge you. We finally found which allowed us to just download the music straight into the computer. We eventually landed on a song we loved, entitled "Jazz Comedy". It was a good way to introduce the film and I especially loved how well it blended with the opening credits.
   Overall I'm super excited to finally turn this project in. I'm so proud of this movie. I don't know if I can say that, but I am. I have never felt this much pride in a project before and I don't know I just love it. I'm so happy with it and I want to show it to people, that is something I have never felt before in anything. I'm usually so self conscious when it comes to these things, because I never wanted anyone to see what I made, I always thought it sucked.  This, however, I want people to see.
    Oh yeah and I thought I should mention for all my readers, you know who you are, today was my birthday! I just turned 18 and it feels exactly the same as 17 but I guess I can do a lot more now! I'm super excited for the future of going to film school. It's gonna be an awesome journey to actually make my first movie. But this class has made this dream seem real to me and has encouraged me to go after it and try to make a movie. So thanks! I guess....


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